Event Image for Comedy Nights / Special Guest: Giada Severini
Die Bäckerei - Kulturbackstube, Dreiheiligenstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck, Österreich
From dating disasters and family quirks to science, sex, religion, and the ridiculousness of everyday life, Giada dives headfirst into the chaos we all experience. Originally from Italy and now based in Munich, Giada has performed in 8 countries and 3 languages (English, German & Italian). Besides being active as comedienne, Giada hosts and co-produces comedy shows; she’s a co-founder and host of OG Comedy English shows, with successful formats such as the dating show Comedy Crush, and is a host and regular performer at Lucky Punch Comedy Club in German. Giada has opened for comedians like Dragos, Gauri B., and Maria Clara Gröppler. She was a finalist in the NightWash New Talent Award 2023, a semifinalist at the BNSA 2024, and features three national TV recordings in Germany. Through witty storytelling and unique perspectives, she aims to bring you a night full of laughs and relatable moments, embracing the beautiful mess that is life. Expect a mix of sharp observations, unexpected twists, and candid takes on the things we all encounter—but rarely talk about. Whether you’re a comedy fan, a chaos enthusiast, or just someone who needs a good laugh, come catch Giada live—because life is weird, even painful, but we can always make it hilarious. Comedy Nights: Comedy, Stand-up und Satire bieten eine großartige Bühne, um Emotionen auszudrücken, ernste Themen anzusprechen oder einfach absurden Humor zu teilen. Egal ob erfahrene Bühnenprofis oder komplette Neulinge – bei der Bäckerei Comedy Night sind alle willkommen! Hast du schon immer davon geträumt, deine Lieblingswitze zu erzählen, skurrile Tricks vorzuführen oder als Bauchredner*in aufzutreten? Hier bekommst du deine Chance! Jede*r hat bis zu 10 Minuten Zeit, um das Publikum zu begeistern. Eigenes Material ist ideal, aber auch fremdes, wenn darauf hingewiesen wird. Wichtig: Wir legen großen Wert auf Respekt. Darbietungen dürfen nicht diskriminierend, sexistisch oder rassistisch sein. Wenn ein Witz